
时间:2017-08-31 16:05:50

标签: rust borrow-checker


pub struct GitRepo {
    contents: Mutex<GitContents>,
    workdir: PathBuf,

我想查询它,但最多只查询一次:在查询之后,我想只使用我们第一次得到的结果。存储库具有git2::Repository或结果向量。 RepositorySend,但不是Sync

enum GitContents {
    Before { repo: git2::Repository },
    After { statuses: Git },

struct Git {
    statuses: Vec<(PathBuf, git2::Status)>,



fn repo_to_statuses(repo: git2::Repository, workdir: &Path) -> Git {
    // Assume this does something useful...
    Git { statuses: Vec::new() }

然而,我无法让Mutex对此发挥得很好。到目前为止,我尝试编写一个函数,使用谓词GitRepo查询P,如果尚未查询Mutex,则替换impl GitRepo { fn search<P: Fn(&Git) -> bool>(&self, p: P) -> bool { use std::mem::replace; // Make this thread wait until the mutex becomes available. // If it's locked, it's because another thread is running repo_to_statuses let mut contents = self.contents.lock().unwrap(); match *contents { // If the repository has been queried then just use the existing results GitContents::After { ref statuses } => p(statuses), // If it hasn't, then replace it with some results, then use them. GitContents::Before { ref repo } => { let statuses = repo_to_statuses(*repo, &self.workdir); let result = p(&statuses); replace(&mut *contents, GitContents::After { statuses }); result }, } } } 内的值:


虽然涉及到变异,但此方法仅采用&mut self而不是repo,因为无论是第一次还是第二次查询存储库,它都返回相同的结果,即使有更多工作正在进行中。但鲁斯特抱怨道:

  • 它拒绝将repo_to_statuses(*repo, &self.workdir)移出我在replace中借用的内容,即使我知道该值应该在之后立即被替换。 (“不能摆脱借来的内容”)
  • 它也不喜欢我&mut *contents - 正在match,因为我正在以不可变的方式借用内容,因为值为(defmacro setq-local (var val) (list 'set (list 'make-local-variable (list 'quote var)) val)) (defun my-beginning-of-line () (interactive) (message "entering my-beginning-of-line: transient-mark-mode = %s" transient-mark-mode) ; Straight from "handle-shift-selection" in emacs 25.2 (unless (and mark-active (eq (car-safe transient-mark-mode) 'only)) (setq-local transient-mark-mode (cons 'only (unless (eq transient-mark-mode 'lambda) transient-mark-mode))) (push-mark nil nil t)) (beginning-of-line) (message "exiting my-beginning-of-line: transient-mark-mode = %s\n" transient-mark-mode)) (global-set-key [home] 'my-beginning-of-line) - ed。 (“不能借用'内容'作为可变因为它也被借用为不可变的”)


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use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::mem;

fn example_not_using_old_value(state: &Mutex<String>) {
    let mut state = state.lock().expect("Could not lock mutex");
    *state = String::from("dereferenced");

fn example_using_old_value(state: &Mutex<String>) -> String {
    let mut state = state.lock().expect("Could not lock mutex");
    mem::replace(&mut *state, String::from("replaced"))

fn main() {
    let state = Mutex::new("original".into());
    let was = example_using_old_value(&state);

    println!("Is now {:?}", state);
    println!("Was {:?}", was);

我们取消引用MutexGuard<T>以获取T,并对其进行可变引用,产生&mut T,我们可以将mem::replace称为{{1}}。

您更广泛的问题是因为您无法摆脱借来的内容(请参阅numerous Q&A for that)。请参阅这些直接相关的Q&amp; A:
