
时间:2017-09-26 19:40:19

标签: javascript tail-recursion


const deepFlatten = (input) => {
  let result = [];
  input.forEach((val, index) => {
    if (Array.isArray(val)) {
    } else {
  return result;




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


shared another functional approach to flattening arrays in JavaScript;我认为答案显示了解决这一特定问题的更好方法,但并非所有函数都可以很好地分解。这个答案将集中在递归函数中的尾调用,以及尾调用


const flattenDeep = arr =>
    const aux = (acc, [x,...xs]) =>
      x === undefined
        ? acc
        : Array.isArray (x)
          ? aux (acc, x.concat (xs))
          : aux (acc.concat (x), xs)
    return aux ([], arr)
const data = 
  [0, [1, [2, 3, 4], 5, 6], [7, 8, [9]]]
console.log (flattenDeep (data))
// [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]


但是,大多数JavaScript实现仍然不支持尾调用 - 如果你想在你的程序中使用递归而不必担心乱堆,那么你必须以不同的方式处理它 - this is also something I've already written a lot about, too

我目前的选择是clojure风格的loop / recur对,因为它可以为您提供堆栈安全性,同时使用漂亮,纯粹的表达式来编写程序

const recur = (...values) =>
  ({ type: recur, values })
const loop = f =>
    let acc = f ()
    while (acc && acc.type === recur)
      acc = f (...acc.values)
    return acc
const flattenDeep = arr =>
  loop ((acc = [], [x,...xs] = arr) =>
    x === undefined
      ? acc
      : Array.isArray (x)
        ? recur (acc, x.concat (xs))
        : recur (acc.concat (x), xs))
let data = []
for (let i = 2e4; i>0; i--)
  data = [i, data]

// data is nested 20,000 levels deep
// data = [1, [2, [3, [4, ... [20000, []]]]]] ...

// stack-safe !
console.log (flattenDeep (data))
// [ 1, 2, 3, 4, ... 20000 ]


为什么尾部位置如此重要?你有没有想过return关键字?这就是你的功能 out 的方式;并且在严格评估的JavaScript语言中,return <expr>表示在我们发送结果之前需要计算 expr 中的所有内容。

如果 expr 包含一个子表达式,其函数调用不在尾部位置,那些调用将引入一个新帧,计算一个中间值,然后将其返回给调用帧。尾调用 - 如果无法确定何时安全删除堆栈帧,则堆栈可能会溢出


const add = (x,y) =>
  // + is in tail position
  x + y

const sq = x =>
  // * is in tail position
  x * x
const sqrt = x =>
  // Math.sqrt is in tail position
  Math.sqrt (x)

const pythag = (a,b) =>
  // sqrt is in tail position
  // sq(a) and sq(b) must *return* to compute add
  // add must *return* to compute sqrt
  sqrt (add (sq (a), sq (b)))

// console.log displays the correct value becaust pythag *returns* it
console.log (pythag (3,4)) // 5

在这里坚持一分钟 - 现在想象没有返回值 - 因为函数无法将值发送回调用者,当然我们可以很容易地推断出所有帧可以在评估函数后立即丢弃

// instead of
const add = (x,y) =>
  { return x + y }

// no return value
const add = (x,y) =>
  { x + y }

// but then how do we get the computed result?
add (1,2) // => undefined


输入Continuation Passing Style - 通过为每个函数添加一个continuation参数,就像我们发明了自己的返回机制一样

不要被下面的例子所淹没 - 大多数人已经看到了这些被误解的事物形式的延续传递方式,称为回调

// jQuery "callback"
$('a').click (event => console.log ('click event', event))

// node.js style "callback"
fs.readFile ('entries.txt', (err, text) =>
    ? console.error (err)
    : console.log (text))

这就是你如何使用计算结果 - 你将它传递给延续

// add one parameter, k, to each function
// k makes *return* into a normal function
// note {}'s are used to suppress the implicit return value of JS arrow functions
const add = (x,y,k) =>
  { k (x + y) }

const sq = (x,k) =>
  { k (x * x) }
const sqrt = (x,k) =>
  { k (Math.sqrt (x)) }

const pythag = (a,b,k) =>
  // sq(a) is computed, $a is the result
  sq (a, $a => {
    // sq(b) is computed, $b is the result
    sq (b, $b => {
      // add($a,$b) is computed, $sum is the result
      add ($a, $b, $sum => {
        // sqrt ($sum) is computed, conintuation k is passed thru
        sqrt ($sum, k) }) }) })
// here the final continuation is to log the result
// no *return* value was used !
// no reason to keep frames in the stack !
pythag (3, 4, $c => { console.log ('pythag', $c) })


这个famous question: How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?困扰了数以百万计的程序员 - 只是,它实际上与#34;异步调用&#34;无关。以及与延续有关的一切以及这些延续是否会返回任何内容

  // nothing can save us...
  // unless pythag *returns*
  var result = pythag (3,4, ...)
  console.log (result) // undefined

如果没有返回值,必须使用延续将值移动到计算的下一步 - 这可能是我试图说的第一种方式那^^


我知道通过查看它可能很难说,但是每个函数在尾部位置都有一个函数调用 - 如果我们恢复 return 功能我们的功能,呼叫1的值是呼叫2的值是呼叫3的值,等等 - 在这种情况下,不需要为后续呼叫引入新的堆栈帧 - 相反,呼叫1&#39; s帧可以重新用于呼叫2,然后再次重新用于呼叫3;我们仍然保持返回值!

// restore *return* behaviour
const add = (x,y,k) =>
  k (x + y)

const sq = (x,k) =>
  k (x * x)
const sqrt = (x,k) =>
  k (Math.sqrt (x))

const pythag = (a,b,k) =>
  sq (a, $a =>
    sq (b, $b =>
      add ($a, $b, $sum =>
        sqrt ($sum, k))))
// notice the continuation returns a value now: $c
// in an environment that optimises tail calls, this would only use 1 frame to compute pythag
const result =
  pythag (3, 4, $c => { console.log ('pythag', $c); return $c })
// sadly, the environment you're running this in likely took almost a dozen
// but hey, it works !
console.log (result) // 5



正常&#34;正常&#34;函数到连续传递样式函数可以是一个机械过程并自动完成 - 但真正的点是什么把所有东西放到尾部位置?

如果我们知道第1帧的值是第2帧的值,也就是第3帧的值,依此类推,我们可以手动折叠堆栈帧一个while循环,其中计算结果在每次迭代期间就地更新 - 使用此技术的函数称为trampoline

当然,在编写递归函数时,人们常常谈到蹦床,因为递归函数可以反弹#34; (多次产生一个函数调用)多次;甚至无限期 - 但这并不意味着我们无法在我们的pythag函数上展示蹦床,只会产生一些call

const add = (x,y,k) =>
  k (x + y)

const sq = (x,k) =>
  k (x * x)
const sqrt = (x,k) =>
  k (Math.sqrt (x))

// pythag now returns a "call"
// of course each of them are in tail position ^^
const pythag = (a,b,k) =>
  call (sq, a, $a =>
    call (sq, b, $b =>
      call (add, $a, $b, $sum =>
        call (sqrt, $sum, k))))

const call = (f, ...values) =>
  ({ type: call, f, values })
const trampoline = acc =>
    // while the return value is a "call"
    while (acc && acc.type === call)
      // update the return value with the value of the next call
      // this is equivalent to "collapsing" a stack frame
      acc = acc.f (...acc.values)
    // return the final value
    return acc

// pythag now returns a type that must be passed to trampoline
// the call to trampoline actually runs the computation
const result =
  trampoline (pythag (3, 4, $c => { console.log ('pythag', $c); return $c }))

// result still works
console.log (result) // 5


因此,即使我们的环境不支持堆栈安全递归,只要我们将所有内容保持在尾部位置并使用我们的call帮助器,我们现在可以将任何堆栈的调用转换为循环< / p>

// doesn't matter if we have 4 calls, or 1 million ... 
trampoline (call (... call (... call (...))))

在第一个代码示例中,我展示了使用auxiliary循环,但我还使用了一个非常聪明(虽然效率低)的循环,它不需要深入重复进入数据结构 - 有时候这样做&#39 ;并非总是可能;例如,有时您的递归函数可能会产生2或3个重复调用 - 那么该怎么办?

下面我将向您展示flatten作为一个天真的非尾递归程序 - 这里要注意的重要一点是条件的一个分支导致 2 重复调用flatten - 这个类似树的重复过程最初可能看起来很难变成迭代循环,但仔细,机械地转换为延续传递样式将显示此技术几乎可以在任何(如果不是全部)情景


// naive, stack-UNSAFE
const flatten = ([x,...xs]) =>
  x === undefined
    ? []
    : Array.isArray (x)
      // two recurring calls
      ? flatten (x) .concat (flatten (xs))
      // one recurring call
      : [x] .concat (flatten (xs))


// continuation passing style
const flattenk = ([x,...xs], k) =>
  x === undefined
    ? k ([])
    : Array.isArray (x)
      ? flattenk (x, $x =>
          flattenk (xs, $xs =>
            k ($x.concat ($xs))))
      : flattenk (xs, $xs =>
          k ([x].concat ($xs)))


const call = (f, ...values) =>
  ({ type: call, f, values })
const trampoline = acc =>
    while (acc && acc.type === call)
      acc = acc.f (...acc.values)
    return acc

const flattenk = ([x,...xs], k) =>
  x === undefined
    ? call (k, [])
    : Array.isArray (x)
      ? call (flattenk, x, $x =>
          call (flattenk, xs, $xs =>
            call (k, $x.concat ($xs))))
      : call (flattenk, xs, $xs =>
          call (k, ([x].concat ($xs))))

const flatten = xs =>
  trampoline (flattenk (xs, $xs => $xs))

let data = []
for (let i = 2e4; i>0; i--)
  data = [i, data];

console.log (flatten (data))



// yours truly, the continuation monad
const cont = x =>
  k => k (x)

// back to functions with return values
// notice we don't need the additional `k` parameter
// but this time wrap the return value in a continuation, `cont`
// ie, `cont` replaces *return*
const add = (x,y) =>
  cont (x + y)

const sq = x =>
  cont (x * x)
const sqrt = x =>
  cont (Math.sqrt (x))

const pythag = (a,b) =>
  // sq(a) is computed, $a is the result
  sq (a) ($a =>
    // sq(b) is computed, $b is the result
    sq (b) ($b =>
      // add($a,$b) is computed, $sum is the result
      add ($a, $b) ($sum =>
        // sqrt ($sum) is computed, a conintuation is returned 
        sqrt ($sum))))
// here the continuation just returns whatever it was given
const $c =
  pythag (3, 4) ($c => $c)
console.log ($c)
// => 5



const identity = x =>

const cont = x =>
  k => k (x)

// reset
const reset = m =>
  k => m (k)

// shift
const shift = f =>
  k => f (x => k (x) (identity))

const concatMap = f => ([x,...xs]) =>
  x === undefined
    ? [ ]
    : f (x) .concat (concatMap (f) (xs))

// because shift returns a continuation, we can specialise it in meaningful ways
const amb = xs =>
  shift (k => cont (concatMap (k) (xs)))

const pythag = (a,b) =>
  Math.sqrt (Math.pow (a, 2) + Math.pow (b, 2))

const pythagTriples = numbers =>
  reset (amb (numbers) ($x =>
          amb (numbers) ($y =>
            amb (numbers) ($z =>
              // if x,y,z are a pythag triple
              pythag ($x, $y) === $z
                // then continue with the triple
                ? cont ([[ $x, $y, $z ]])
                // else continue with nothing
                : cont ([ ])))))
console.log (pythagTriples ([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ]))
// [ [ 3, 4, 5 ], [ 4, 3, 5 ], [ 6, 8, 10 ], [ 8, 6, 10 ] ]      

答案 1 :(得分:1)



function deepFlattenTCO(input) {
  const helper = (first, rest, result) => {
    if (!Array.isArray(first)) {
      if (rest.length > 0) {
        return helper(rest, [], result);
      } else {
        return result;
    } else {
      const [newFirst, ...newRest] = first.concat(rest);

      return helper(newFirst, newRest, result);

  return helper(input, [], []);

  [1], 2, [3], 4, [5, 6, [7]]


答案 2 :(得分:1)



请参阅:Iterative solution for flattening n-th nested arrays in Javascript
