VBA:InStr" OR"问题

时间:2017-12-06 08:22:13

标签: vba excel-vba excel

我的InStr" OR"码。此代码:If InStr(items, "harmo") Or InStr(items, "pointt") Then count_of_Harmo = count_of_Harmo + 1 能够很好地执行(下面以红色突出显示),但这个不是ElseIf InStr(items, "addi") Or InStr(items, "add-i") Or InStr(items, "plug") Then count_of_Addi = count_of_Addi + 1(以下蓝色突出显示)。请不要介意下面图片中的其他结果/计数,因为我无法捕获整个页面,因为我认为它与案例相关。请参阅下面的完整代码。谢谢。 rename_file()

Option Compare Text

Public Sub Keywords_Outlook()

Dim row_number As Long
Dim count_of_Harmo As Long
Dim count_of_Room As Long
Dim count_of_Skyp As Long
Dim count_of_Detach As Long
Dim count_of_Wire As Long
Dim count_of_Addi As Long
Dim count_of_crash As Long
Dim count_of_share As Long
Dim count_of_signa As Long
Dim count_of_passw As Long
Dim count_of_follo_and_ops As Long
Dim count_of_follo_and_req As Long
Dim count_of_others As Long
Dim items As Variant
Dim cursht As String 'for the macro to run in any sheet
cursht = ActiveSheet.Name 'for the macro to run in any sheet

row_number = 1
count_of_Harmo = 0
count_of_Room = 0
count_of_Skyp = 0
count_of_Detach = 0
count_of_Wire = 0
count_of_Addi = 0
count_of_crash = 0
count_of_share = 0
count_of_signa = 0
count_of_passw = 0
count_of_follo_and_ops = 0
count_of_follo_and_req = 0
count_of_others = 0
count_of_all = 0


row_number = row_number + 1
items = Sheets(cursht).Range("N" & row_number)

    If InStr(items, "harmo") Or InStr(items, "pointt") Then
        count_of_Harmo = count_of_Harmo + 1
    ElseIf InStr(items, "room") Then
        count_of_Room = count_of_Room + 1
    ElseIf InStr(items, "skyp") Then
        count_of_Skyp = count_of_Skyp + 1
    ElseIf InStr(items, "detach") Then
        count_of_Detach = count_of_Detach + 1
    ElseIf InStr(items, "wire") Then
        count_of_Wire = count_of_Wire + 1
    ElseIf InStr(items, "addi") Or InStr(items, "add-i") Or InStr(items, "plug") Then
        count_of_Addi = count_of_Addi + 1
    ElseIf InStr(items, "crash") Or InStr(items, "car") Then
        count_of_crash = count_of_crash + 1
    ElseIf InStr(items, "share") Then
        count_of_share = count_of_share + 1
    ElseIf InStr(items, "signa") Then
        count_of_signa = count_of_signa + 1
    ElseIf InStr(items, "passw") Then
        count_of_passw = count_of_passw + 1
    ElseIf Trim(items) Like "*followu*" And Trim(items) Like "*ops*" Then
        count_of_follo_and_ops = count_of_follo_and_ops + 1
    ElseIf Trim(items) Like "*followu*" And Trim(items) Like "*req*" Then
        count_of_follo_and_req = count_of_follo_and_req + 1

    ElseIf items <> "" Then
        count_of_others = count_of_others + 1
    End If

Loop Until items = ""

count_of_all = count_of_Harmo + count_of_Room + count_of_Skyp + count_of_Detach + count_of_Wire + count_of_Addi + count_of_crash + count_of_signa + count_of_passw + count_of_follo_and_ops + count_of_follo_and_req + count_of_others


lastCell = ActiveCell.Address

ActiveCell.Offset(3, 0).Value = "Count"
ActiveCell.Offset(4, 0).Value = count_of_Harmo
ActiveCell.Offset(5, 0).Value = count_of_Room
ActiveCell.Offset(6, 0).Value = count_of_Skyp
ActiveCell.Offset(7, 0).Value = count_of_Detach
ActiveCell.Offset(8, 0).Value = count_of_Wire
ActiveCell.Offset(9, 0).Value = count_of_Addi
ActiveCell.Offset(10, 0).Value = count_of_crash
ActiveCell.Offset(11, 0).Value = count_of_share
ActiveCell.Offset(12, 0).Value = count_of_signa
ActiveCell.Offset(13, 0).Value = count_of_passw
ActiveCell.Offset(14, 0).Value = count_of_follo_and_ops
ActiveCell.Offset(15, 0).Value = count_of_follo_and_req
ActiveCell.Offset(16, 0).Value = count_of_others
ActiveCell.Offset(18, 0).Value = count_of_all
ActiveCell.Offset(3, 1).Value = "Outlook Keywords"
ActiveCell.Offset(4, 1).Value = "Harmo"
ActiveCell.Offset(5, 1).Value = "Room"
ActiveCell.Offset(6, 1).Value = "Skyp"
ActiveCell.Offset(7, 1).Value = "Detach"
ActiveCell.Offset(8, 1).Value = "Wire"
ActiveCell.Offset(9, 1).Value = "Addi or add-i or plug"
ActiveCell.Offset(10, 1).Value = "Crash"
ActiveCell.Offset(11, 1).Value = "Share"
ActiveCell.Offset(12, 1).Value = "Signa"
ActiveCell.Offset(13, 1).Value = "passw"
ActiveCell.Offset(14, 1).Value = "FollowU and ops"
ActiveCell.Offset(15, 1).Value = "FollowU and req"
ActiveCell.Offset(16, 1).Value = "Others"
ActiveCell.Offset(18, 1).Value = "Total"
ActiveCell.Offset(3, -1).Value = "Percent"
ActiveCell.Offset(4, -1).Value = count_of_Harmo / count_of_all
ActiveCell.Offset(5, -1).Value = count_of_Room / count_of_all
ActiveCell.Offset(6, -1).Value = count_of_Skyp / count_of_all
ActiveCell.Offset(7, -1).Value = count_of_Detach / count_of_all
ActiveCell.Offset(8, -1).Value = count_of_Wire / count_of_all
ActiveCell.Offset(9, -1).Value = count_of_Addi / count_of_all
ActiveCell.Offset(10, -1).Value = count_of_crash / count_of_all
ActiveCell.Offset(11, -1).Value = count_of_share / count_of_all
ActiveCell.Offset(12, -1).Value = count_of_signa / count_of_all
ActiveCell.Offset(13, -1).Value = count_of_passw / count_of_all
ActiveCell.Offset(14, -1).Value = count_of_follo_and_ops / count_of_all
ActiveCell.Offset(15, -1).Value = count_of_follo_and_req / count_of_all
ActiveCell.Offset(16, -1).Value = count_of_others / count_of_all

End Sub

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



如果您不希望这种情况发生,请将每个分支设为单独的If/End If语句。

在旁注中,您应该考虑在所有情况下明确地将InStr的结果与零进行比较。它目前有效,因为您只使用Or,但如果您决定使条件更复杂,则可能stop working

答案 1 :(得分:0)


使用ElseIf切换多个Select Case,而不是使用14个计数器,为什么不使用计数器数组CountofArr


Option Compare Text

Public Sub Keywords_Outlook()

Dim row_number As Long, LastRow As Long

' use an array that will have multiple counters
Dim CountofArr() As Long

ReDim CountofArr(0 To 14)

Dim items As Variant
Dim cursht As String 'for the macro to run in any sheet

cursht = ActiveSheet.Name ' for the macro to run in any sheet

With Sheets(cursht)
    LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "N").End(xlUp).Row ' get last row with data in column "N"

    For row_number = 1 To LastRow
        items = .Range("N" & row_number).Value2

        Select Case True
            Case items Like "*harmo*", items Like "*pointt*"
                CountofArr(0) = CountofArr(0) + 1

            Case items Like "*room*"
                CountofArr(1) = CountofArr(1) + 1

            ' add the rest of your cases below

        End Select
    Next row_number

    ' read the array direclty to the cells
    For row_number = 4 To 18
        .Range("O" & row_number).Value = CountofArr(row_number - 4)
    Next row_number

    ' rest of your code

End With

End Sub