
时间:2018-09-23 18:36:50

标签: java arrays boolean character sensor

我在尝试找出如何为字符编码传感器程序时遇到问题,主要是因为有一个名为“ loc”的变量。该API很有帮助,但是由于变量以Location.java及其方法为中心,该方法基本上具有代表(row,col)的变量,因此我在如何分别表示行/列方面遇到了麻烦。自从我过去做过MineSweeper程序以来,我从理论上就知道如何在2D数组中进行邻居测试,但是我不允许在这里更改任何变量。以下是问题这一部分的提示,位置的代码以及提示之一的方法名称。如果不做这部分,则不允许编写其余问题的代码。任何帮助将不胜感激。谢谢!

“写一个采用2D字符数组,指定行和列索引的位置以及一个字符的传感器方法, 如果在给定(row,col)坐标的四个邻居中的任何一个中找到该字符,则返回一个布尔值。 考虑6x5数组:

r\c# 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
 0 #   |   |   |   |   |
 1 #   |   |   |   |   |
 2 #   | i | b | j |   |
 3 #   | a | x | c |   |
 4 #   | l | d | k |   |
 5 #   |   |   |   |   |

例如,给定row = 3,Column = 2(用'x'标记)的Location(3,2),字符a,b,c和d被视为在坐标(3,1)处的邻居, (2,3),(3,3)和(4,2)。 字符i,j,k,l不被视为对角线上的邻居。

因此,鉴于上述矩阵和loc =(3,2),对“ sensor(matrix,loc,'a')”的调用将返回true, 而“ sensor(matrix,loc,'j')”将返回“ false”。 那是'a'是'x'的邻居,但是对角线上的'j'不被认为是该模型的邻居。”

public static boolean sensor(char[][] world, Location loc, char test)


 * @class This class holds the cell indices (row, column) for a 2D array

import java.util.Random;

public class Location {
/** row of the array */
public int row;

/** column of the array */
public int col;

/** Private instance of random number generator */
private static Random rand = new Random();

/** Construct location at (0, 0) */
public Location() {
    row = 0;
    col = 0;

 * Copy constructor
 * @param loc
 *            location to copy
public Location(Location loc) {
    row = loc.row;
    col = loc.col;

 * Construct location at given coordinates
 * @param i
 *            i^th row
 * @param j
 *            j^th column
public Location(int i, int j) {
    row = i;
    col = j;

 * Construct location at random point within max width (w) and height (h)
 * @param height
 *            = height (number of rows)
 * @param width
 *            = width (number of columns)
 * @param random
 *            boolean flag to generated a random number otherwise (0,0)
public Location(int height, int width, boolean random) {

    if (random) {
        row = rand.nextInt(height);
        col = rand.nextInt(width);


 * formatted string that shows the row and column data
 * @return formatted String
public String toString() {
    return String.format("(% 2d, % 2d)", row, col);

 * Compare two locations
 * @param loc
 * @return true if row and col values are equal, false otherwise
public boolean equals(Object loc) {
    if (loc == null) {
        return false;

    if (loc.getClass() != getClass()) {
        return false;

    Location loc2 = (Location) loc;
    return (loc2.row == row) && (loc2.col == col);

 * Clones existing location and creates a new instance
 * @return reference to the new instance
public Location clone() {
    return new Location(row, col);



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