
时间:2019-05-13 02:05:34

标签: matplotlib graph julia histogram data-visualization

由于this answer for a related question in Python,我编写了一些Julia代码以在for循环中显示直方图。

id: 2, category: Grape, unit price: 8, qty: 6, total price: 48.0

要创建using PyPlot γvec = 0.1:0.1:0.9 # γ : fixed paramter N = 1000 # N : number of samples for each γ fig, axs = subplots(length(γvec), 1, figsize=(10, 6.18*length(γvec)), constrained_layout=true) fig.suptitle("Distribution of eigenvalues of ρ at final time", fontsize=20, y=1) # TL;DR λ₁vec, λ₂vec = zeros(Complex{Float64}, N), zeros(Complex{Float64}, N); for (iᵧ, γ) in enumerate(γvec) # println(γ) samples = [ myfunction(...) for _ in 1:N ]; # draw samples for i in 1:N λ₁₂ = eigvals(samples[i][1]) # calculate (real-valued) eigenvalues of ρ λ₁vec[i], λ₂vec[i] = maximum(real(λ₁₂)), minimum(real(λ₁₂)) end axs[iᵧ].hist(λ₁vec) # plot histogram of eigenvalues of ρ axs[iᵧ].hist(λ₂vec) axs[iᵧ].set_title("γ = $γ") axs[iᵧ].set_xlabel("eigenvalues of ρ") end gcf() # get current figure ,我从another answer开始采用了语法,并读了an e-book's sample code on GitHub。这是我做的图。

enter image description here




graph overlapped

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