
时间:2011-06-23 04:33:03

标签: c# .net asp.net regex validation


我的问题根据 RFC 标准,电子邮件地址是否包含aportrophe?如果是这样,如何重新创建正则表达式以允许撇号

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

下面的正则表达式实现了电子邮件地址的官方RFC 2822标准。不建议在实际应用程序中使用此正则表达式。它表明,使用正则表达式总是在精确和实际之间进行权衡。





答案 1 :(得分:3)

这是我写的验证属性。它几乎验证了每个“原始”电子邮件地址,即 local-part @ * domain *形式的电子邮件地址。它不支持RFC允许的任何其他更多......创造性结构(此列表无论如何都不全面):

  • 评论(例如jsmith@whizbang.com (work)
  • 引用字符串(转义文本,以允许原子中不允许使用的字符)
  • 域名文字(例如foo@[]
  • bang-paths(又名源路由)
  • 角度地址(例如John Smith <jsmith@whizbang.com>
  • 折叠空白
  • local-part domain 中的双字节字符(仅限7位ASCII)。


  • foo.bar@bazbat.com


未尝试验证中最右侧的dns标签是否为有效TLD(顶级域)。这是因为TLD列表现在比“大6”(.com,.edu,.gov,.mil,.net,.org)加上2个字母的ISO国家/地区代码要大得多。 ICANN actually updates the TLD list daily,虽然我怀疑列表实际上并没有每天都在变化。此外,ICANN just approved a big expansion of the generic TLD namespace)。并且某些电子邮件地址没有您认可的TLD(您是否知道postmaster@.理论上有效且可邮寄?该地址的邮件应该传递给DNS根区域的邮局主管。)< / p>



using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace ValidationHelpers
  [AttributeUsage( AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field , AllowMultiple = false )]
  sealed public class EmailAddressValidationAttribute : ValidationAttribute
    static EmailAddressValidationAttribute()
      RxEmailAddress = CreateEmailAddressRegex();

    private static Regex CreateEmailAddressRegex()
      // references: RFC 5321, RFC 5322, RFC 1035, plus errata.
      string atom             = @"([A-Z0-9!#$%&'*+\-/=?^_`{|}~]+)"                 ;
      string dot              = @"(\.)"                                            ;
      string dotAtom          =  "(" + atom + "(" + dot + atom + ")*" + ")"        ;
      string dnsLabel         = "([A-Z]([A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?)"                ;
      string fqdn             = "(" + dnsLabel + "(" + dot + dnsLabel + ")*" + ")" ;

      string localPart        = "(?<localpart>" + dotAtom + ")"      ;
      string domain           = "(?<domain>" + fqdn + ")"            ;
      string emailAddrPattern = "^" + localPart + "@" + domain + "$" ;

      Regex instance = new Regex( emailAddrPattern , RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase );
      return instance;

    private static Regex RxEmailAddress;

    public override bool IsValid( object value )
      string s      = Convert.ToString( value ) ;
      bool   fValid = string.IsNullOrEmpty( s ) ;

      // we'll take an empty field as valid and leave it to the [Required] attribute to enforce that it's been supplied.
      if ( !fValid )
        Match m = RxEmailAddress.Match( s ) ;

        if ( m.Success )
          string emailAddr              = m.Value ;
          string localPart              = m.Groups[ "localpart" ].Value ;
          string domain                 = m.Groups[ "domain"    ].Value ;
          bool   fLocalPartLengthValid  = localPart.Length >= 1 && localPart.Length <=  64 ;
          bool   fDomainLengthValid     = domain.Length    >= 1 && domain.Length    <= 255 ;
          bool   fEmailAddrLengthValid  = emailAddr.Length >= 1 && emailAddr.Length <= 256 ; // might be 254 in practice -- the RFCs are a little fuzzy here.

          fValid = fLocalPartLengthValid && fDomainLengthValid && fEmailAddrLengthValid ;


      return fValid ;

