
时间:2011-07-27 17:40:01

标签: powershell itextsharp


在极少数情况下,压缩后无法在Acrobat Reader中打开这些文件。我不知道为什么这种情况很少发生,所以我希望能够测试PDF后压缩并看看它是否“好”。

我正在尝试使用itextsharp 5.1.1来完成此任务,但它很乐意加载PDF。我最好的猜测是Acrobat阅读器在尝试显示图片时失败。


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

在过去的类似情况中,我已成功使用PDF Toolkit (a/k/a pdftk)使用如下命令修复错误的PDF:pdftk broken.pdf output fixed.pdf

答案 1 :(得分:3)


答案 2 :(得分:1)

qpdf 将对您的需求有很大帮助:

apt-get install qpdf

qpdf --check filename.pdf


checking filename.pdf
PDF Version: 1.4
File is not encrypted
File is not linearized
WARNING: filename.pdf: file is damaged
WARNING: filename.pdf (object 185 0, file position 1235875): expected n n obj
WARNING: filename.pdf: Attempting to reconstruct cross-reference table
WARNING: filename.pdf: object 185 0 not found in file after regenerating cross reference table
operation for Dictionary object attempted on object of wrong type

答案 3 :(得分:1)

PdfCpu 效果很好。轻松示例:

pdfcpu validate goggles.pdf


pdfcpu validate -m strict goggles.pdf


答案 4 :(得分:0)

我已经使用了" pdfinfo.exe"从xpdfbin-win包和cpdf.exe检查PDF文件是否有损坏,但如果没有必要,我们不想涉及二进制文件。


以下Powershell(PS)脚本将检查当前目录中的所有PDF文件,并将每个文件的状态输出到文本文件(!RESULTS.log)中。花了大约2分钟来对抗35,000个PDF文件。我试图为刚接触PS的人添加评论。希望这能节省一些时间。这可能是一种更好的方法,但这可以完美地用于我的目的,并且可以无声地处理错误。您可能需要在开头定义以下内容:$ ErrorActionPreference =" SilentlyContinue"如果你在屏幕上看到错误。


# PowerShell v4.0
# Get all PDF files in current directory
$items = Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq ".pdf"}

$logFile = "!RESULTS.log"
$badCounter = 0
$goodCounter = 0
$msg = "`n`nProcessing " + $items.count + " files... "
Write-Host -nonewline -foregroundcolor Yellow $msg
foreach ($item in $items)
    # Suppress error messages
    trap { Write-Output "Error trapped"; continue; }

    # Read raw PDF data
    $pdfText = Get-Content $item -raw

    # Find string (near end of PDF file), if BAD file, ptr will be undefined or 0
    $ptr1 = $pdfText.IndexOf("CreationDate")
    $ptr2 = $pdfText.IndexOf("ModDate")

    # Grab raw dates from file - will ERR if ptr is undefined or 0
    try { $cDate = $pdfText.SubString($ptr1, 37); $mDate = $pdfText.SubString($ptr2, 31); }

    # Append filename and bad status to logfile and increment a counter
    # catch block is also where you would rename, move, or delete bad files.
    catch { "*** $item is Broken ***" >> $logFile; $badCounter += 1; continue; }

    # Append filename and good status to logfile
    Write-Output "$item - OK" -EA "Stop" >> $logFile

    # Increment a counter
    $goodCounter += 1
# Calculate total
$totalCounter = $badCounter + $goodCounter

# Append 3 blank lines to end of logfile
1..3 | %{ Write-Output "" >> $logFile }

# Append statistics to end of logfile
Write-Output "Total: $totalCounter / BAD: $badCounter / GOOD: $goodCounter" >> $logFile
Write-Output "DONE!`n`n"