
时间:2011-10-27 22:00:27

标签: c# generics


string username;

var temp = dr["Username"];
if (DbNull.Equals (temp))
    username = "Anonymous";
} else {
    username = dr["Username"].ToString();


string username = StringExtensions.SafeParse (dr["Username"], "Anonymous");


string username = dr["Username"].As<string> ("Anonymous");

这个相对简单的变化已经与其他开发人员非常适应,并且在很多地方得到了应用。我不满意的部分是潜在的性能影响。 现在,我知道没有过早的优化。我确实编写了代码而没有任何过早的优化,并且它的封装足以使之后优化它不应该是一个大问题。我已经对这个方法进行了基准测试,在我相对适中的2GHz工作站上每秒进行大约250万次转换,我必须承认这是非凡的性能,相比之下它节省了其他开发人员和我们获得的可读性提升。但是,考虑到下面的代码示例,我觉得我在滥用语言功能,可以做得更好。这个方法是xmldoc与“HERE BE DRAGONS”大声喊叫!我正在寻找一种更好的方法来避免双拳。为简洁起见,我省略了实际版本,实际上在许多情况下使用TryParse

public static TDestination As<TDestination> (this object source, TDestination defaultValue = default(TDestination))
    if (source is TDestination)
        return (TDestination) source;

    if (source == null || DbNull.Equals(source))
        return defaultValue;

    if (TDestination is int)
        return (TDestination) (object) Convert.ToInt32 (source.ToString ());

    if (TDestination is long)
        return (TDestination) (object) Convert.ToInt64 (source.ToString ());

    if (TDestination is short)
        return (TDestination) (object) Convert.ToInt16 (source.ToString ());

    // and so on...

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


public static TDestination As<TDestination>
    (this object source, TDestination defaultValue = default(TDestination))
    if ((source == null) || Convert.IsDBNull(source))
        return defaultValue;

    return (TDestination)source;

答案 1 :(得分:3)


var convertible = source as IConvertible;
if (convertible != null)
    return (TDestination)convertible.ToType(typeof(TDestination), Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture);

答案 2 :(得分:2)

每当我进入反思或检查我的泛型类的T时,我将使用字典Dictionary<Type, ???>。作为价值,我总是把它放在那里应该每次都做FuncAction。在你的情况下,我会以这种方式写它:

public static class MyConverter
    private static Dictionary<Type, Func<object, object>> _MyConverter;

    static MyConverter()
        _MyConverter = new Dictionary<Type, Func<object, object>>();

        // Use the Add() method to include a lambda with the proper signature.
        _MyConverter.Add(typeof(int), (source) => Convert.ToInt32 (source.ToString()));

        // Use the index operator to include a lambda with the proper signature.
        _MyConverter[typeof(double)] = (source) => Convert.ToDouble(source.ToString());

        // Use the Add() method to include a more complex lambda using curly braces.
        _MyConverter.Add(typeof(decimal), (source) =>
            return Convert.ToDecimal(source.ToString());

        // Use the index operator to include a function with the proper signature.
        _MyConverter[typeof(float)] = MySpecialConverterFunctionForFloat;

    // A function that does some more complex conversion which is simply unreadable as lambda.
    private static object MySpecialConverterFunctionForFloat(object source)
        var something = source as float?;

        if (something != null
            && something.HasValue)
            return something.Value;

        return 0;

    public static TDestination As<TDestination>(this object source, TDestination defaultValue = default(TDestination))
        // Do some parameter checking (if needed).
        if (source == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("source");

        // The fast-path exit.
        if (source.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TDestination)))
            return (TDestination)source;

        Func<object, object> func;

        // Check if a converter is available.
        if (_MyConverter.TryGetValue(typeof(TDestination), out func))
            // Call it and return the result.
            return (TDestination)func(source);

        // Nothing found, so return the wished default.
        return defaultValue;



答案 3 :(得分:0)

如何为datarow Field属性定义扩展方法,您可以在其中提供与Field相同类型的空值,如下所示:

        public static T Field<T>(this DataRow row, string columnName, T nullValue) { return !row.IsNull(columnName) ? row.Field<T>(columnName) : nullValue; }

答案 4 :(得分:0)


public static T Field<T>(this DataRow row, string columnName, T nullValue)
  object value = row[columnName];
  return ((DBNull.Value == value) ? nullValue : (T)value);
