
时间:2012-03-24 16:35:51

标签: algorithm graph-theory dynamic-programming




import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Stack;

class Node
String res = "";
int i;
int j;

public Node( int _i, int _j, String s )
    i = _i;
    j = _j;
    res = s;

public class LCSRevisited
static String a;
static String b;
static int m,n;
static int[][] memo;
static int[][] bt; // 1 means [i+1][j], 2 means [i][j+1], 3 means [i+1][j+1]
// 4  - means both

static HashSet <String> filter;

static void printAllStrings( )
    Iterator i = filter.iterator();

    while( i.hasNext())
        System.out.println( i.next() );

 static void printSol()
   System.out.print( memo[ 0 ][ 0 ]);

   // check how many UNIQUE such strings exist

   filter = new HashSet();
   Stack<Node> s = new Stack();
   Node start = new Node( 0, 0, "" );
   s.push( start );
   Node curr;
   String res;

   // use backtrack array to do a DFS

   while( !s.isEmpty() )
        curr = s.pop();
        res = curr.res;

        if( ( curr.i>=m) || ( curr.j >=n ) )
            filter.add( curr.res);

        // check backtrack value
        int i = curr.i;
        int j = curr.j;
        int back = bt[ i ][ j];

        if( back == 1 )
            s.push( new Node( i+1, j, res ));
        if( back == 2 )
            s.push( new Node( i, j+1, res ));
        if( back == 3 )
            s.push( new Node( i+1, j+1, res+a.charAt(i) ));
        if( back == 4 )
            s.push( new Node( i, j+1, res ));
            s.push( new Node( i+1, j, res ));
   System.out.println(" " + filter.size() );

static void solve()
   // fill base cases
   m = a.length();
   n = b.length();
   memo = new int[ m+1 ][ n+1 ];
   Arrays.fill( memo[m], 0 );

   bt = new int[ m+1 ][ n+1 ];

   for( int i=0; i<m; i++ )
       memo[ i ][ n ] = 0;    

   // Now compute memo values
   for( int i=m-1; i>=0; i-- )
       for( int j=n-1; j>=0; j-- )
           if( a.charAt(i) == b.charAt(j))
               memo[ i ][ j ] = 1 + memo[ i+1 ][ j+1 ];
               bt[ i ][ j ] = 3;
               int r1 = memo[ i+1 ][ j ];
               int r2 = memo[ i ][ j+1 ];

               if( r1==r2 )
                    memo[ i ][ j ] = r1;
                    bt[ i ][ j ] = 4;
               else if( r1 > r2 )
                   memo[ i ][ j ] = r1;
                   bt[ i ][ j ] = 1;
                   memo[ i ][ j ] = r2;
                   bt[ i ][ j ] = 2;


public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException
 BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( System.in ));

int T= Integer.parseInt( br.readLine() );

while( T--> 0 )
    a = br.readLine();
    b = br.readLine();

    if( T>=1 )

    // printArr( bt );

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我想你可以使用像Rabin Karp这样的rolling hash function。这样,您可以计算较长公共子序列的新哈希值,而无需再次重新生成整个字符串并对其进行哈希处理。


for j ← 0 to n do
    for i ← 0 to m do
        if i = 0 or j = 0 then
            D[i, j] ← 1
            D[i, j] ← 0
            if ai  = bj  then
                D[i, j] ← D[i − 1, j − 1]
            else if L[i − 1, j] = L[i, j] then
                D[i, j] ← D[i, j] + D[i − 1, j]
            if L[i, j − 1] = L[i, j] then
                D[i, j] ← D[i, j] + D[i, j − 1]
            if L[i − 1, j − 1] = L[i, j] then
                D[i, j] ← D[i, j] − D[i − 1, j − 1]
        end if

你的答案是D [n,m]。 希望我的想法得到帮助!

答案 1 :(得分:0)


现在,memo [i] [j]表示A [i ... m]和B [j..n]的公共子序列的长度。我建议您还有一个lp [i] [j]表示每个指向trie中节点的指针列表,以便从该节点到trie根的路径为您提供A中最长的公共子句之一[我... m]和B [j..n]。要构建此lp,对于案例1和2,您只需复制lp [i + 1] [j]或lp [i] [j + 1]中的列表,两者都用于案例4,而对于3,则添加新节点值为A [i] = B [j]的树,并且在树中设置由lp [i + 1] [j + 1]指向的所有节点作为新节点的子节点。这些操作将是线性的(或者甚至更快,一些高级数据结构用于处理集合)。请注意,我所描述的实际上并不是一个trie / tree(一个节点可以有多个父节点)。

最后,为了计算,我认为遍历会很好,有一些额外的处理 - 传播计数:count [node] [level] = sum(count [sons(node)] [level-1])或,如果node是叶子数[node] [1] = 1,则count [node] [l!= 1] = 0。并且你的answear将为那些满足“最长”约束(\ sum_x {count [x] [l_max]})的“根”节点(in-degree 0)求和。
