
时间:2012-12-24 16:45:44

标签: r bigdata r-bigmemory

我是big.matrix和相关软件包的新手,我尝试重现以下示例 ```

Loading required package: stats
> Sys.setenv(LANG = "en")
> library(bigmemory)
Loading required package: bigmemory.sri

bigmemory >= 4.0 is a major revision since 3.1.2; please see package
biganalytics and for more information.

> x <- big.matrix(5, 2, type="integer", init=0, dimnames=list(NULL, c("alpha", "beta")))
> x[,] <- round(rnorm(10))
Assignment will down cast from double to integer
Hint: To remove this warning type:  options(bigmemory.typecast.warning=FALSE)
Mensajes de aviso perdidos
In, value) : 
> x
An object of class "big.matrix"
Slot "address":
<pointer: 0x22a1620>

> x[,]
     alpha beta
[1,]    -2    0
[2,]    -1    0
[3,]     0   -1
[4,]     2    1
[5,]     0    0
> apply(x, 1, mean)
Error en as.vector(data) : 
  ningún método para coaccionar a esta clase S4 a un vector


Error en as.vector(data) : 
  ningún método para coaccionar a esta clase S4 a un vector

最后一行说的是"there is no method for transform this S4 class to a vector"



platform       x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu     
arch           x86_64                       
os             linux-gnu                    
system         x86_64, linux-gnu            
major          2                            
minor          15.1                         
year           2012                         
month          06                           
day            22                           
svn rev        59600                        
language       R                            
version.string R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22)
nickname       Roasted Marshmallows    

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


apply(x, 1, mean)
Error in as.vector(data) : 
  no method for coercing this S4 class to a vector


apply(as.matrix(x), 1, mean)
[1] -1.5 -0.5  1.0 -0.5 -0.5


biganalytics 包扩展了各种各样的bigmemory包 分析。函数bigkmeans和binit也可以使用 原生R对象。但要小心:


申请big.matrix对象。请注意,性能可能是   由于S4,降级(与应用常规R矩阵相比)   与从big.matrix对象中提取数据相关的开销。这个   某种限制是不可避免的,情况就是如此(甚至是   更糟糕的是与其他“自定义”数据结构。当然,这只会   如果你申请超长的行或者是非常重要的   列。

对于类似tapply的函数, bigtabulate 包也可能有帮助。 这个包的想法是分两步完成工作。


我们发现bigsplit接着是lapply或sapply可以   当分裂产生的子集是。时特别有效   合理的大小。

答案 1 :(得分:2)

好吧,我发现错误归功于之前的回答(#agstudy,我给你+1)... apply方法来自base包,如果我加载{ {1}}包,一切都像魅力......



答案 2 :(得分:0)

这个答案与原始问题有点偏离主题,而不是“为什么不apply(...)工作?”,@ agstudy在上面回答,但“我如何获得{{1}的行方法对象?“我用Google搜索bigmemory并最终到达:


"r bigmemory rowmeans"

该示例继续展示如何使用并行方法(# Get the row means, three different ways. system.time({ a <- rep(0, nrow(z)) for (i in 1:nrow(z)) { a[i] <- mean(z[i,]) } }) # Will definitely work on both matrix and big.matrix # matrix timing: about 30 seconds # big.matrix timing: about 270 seconds # The price for using bigmemory with lots of very small # operations is the overhead of S3/S4 dispatch. system.time({ a <- apply(z, 1, mean) }) # Works on a matrix only; interesting that it is slower. # matrix timing: 45 seconds system.time({ myfunc <- function(i) return(mean(z[i,])) a <- sapply(1:nrow(z), myfunc) }) # Will definitely work on both matrix and big.matrix # matrix timing: About 40 seconds # big.matrix timing: About 306 seconds 等)来计算行均值。