
时间:2011-04-26 10:52:28

标签: algorithm math language-agnostic geometry



input rectangle with given width and height rotate erctangle by alpha degrees output inner rectangle



编辑:输出矩形点不一定要触及输入矩形边。 (感谢E先生)

9 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:22)


Probably not the best solution, but good enough for what I'm about to do


Some trig scribbles



function getCropCoordinates(angleInRadians, imageDimensions) {
    var ang = angleInRadians;
    var img = imageDimensions;

    var quadrant = Math.floor(ang / (Math.PI / 2)) & 3;
    var sign_alpha = (quadrant & 1) === 0 ? ang : Math.PI - ang;
    var alpha = (sign_alpha % Math.PI + Math.PI) % Math.PI;

    var bb = {
        w: img.w * Math.cos(alpha) + img.h * Math.sin(alpha),
        h: img.w * Math.sin(alpha) + img.h * Math.cos(alpha)

    var gamma = img.w < img.h ? Math.atan2(bb.w, bb.h) : Math.atan2(bb.h, bb.w);

    var delta = Math.PI - alpha - gamma;

    var length = img.w < img.h ? img.h : img.w;
    var d = length * Math.cos(alpha);
    var a = d * Math.sin(alpha) / Math.sin(delta);

    var y = a * Math.cos(gamma);
    var x = y * Math.tan(gamma);

    return {
        x: x,
        y: y,
        w: bb.w - 2 * x,
        h: bb.h - 2 * y

我在gamma - 计算时遇到了一些问题,并对其进行了修改,以考虑原始框最长的方向。

- 马格努斯霍夫

答案 1 :(得分:13)


enter image description here

修改 第三个方程是错误的。正确的是:

3.w * cos(α)* X + w * sin(α)* Y - w * w * sin(α)* cos(α) - w * h = 0

要解决线性方程组,您可以使用Cramer ruleGauss method

答案 2 :(得分:9)

首先,我们处理角度为零或pi / 2的倍数的微不足道的情况。然后最大的矩形与原始矩形相同。


我们称外部矩形R1和R2的边。在不失一般性的情况下,我们可以假设R1 <= R2。如果我们调用内部矩形H和W的边,那么我们就有了

H cos a + W sin a <= R1
H sin a + W cos a <= R2


W = (R1 - H cos a) / sin a


A = H W = H (R1 - H cos a) / sin a

我们可以采用衍生工具。 H并要求它等于0:

dA/dH = ((R1 - H cos a) - H cos a) / sin a


H = R1 / (2 cos a)
W = R1 / (2 sin a)


R1 (tan a + 1/tan a) / 2 <= R2


H = (R2 cos a - R1 sin a) / cos 2a
W = (R1 cos a - R2 sin a) / cos 2a


x1 = x4 = W sin a cos a
y1 = y2 = R2 sin a - W sin^2 a 
x2 = x3 = x1 + H
y3 = y4 = y2 + W

答案 3 :(得分:5)

编辑:我的Mathematica答案错误 - 我解决的问题与我认为你真正要问的问题略有不同。


<强> On the Maximum Empty Rectangle Problem

使用此算法,表示形成旋转矩形边界的有限数量的点(可能大约100个,并确保包括角) - 这些将是文章中描述的集合S.




enter image description here

从中您可以看到内部矩形的最大面积等于1/4宽度^ 2 *角度的等长度乘以角度的割线。


enter image description here


现在只是为了确保,我将根据经验测试我们的答案。通过下面的结果,你可以看到我的所有测试中的最高区域(肯定不是详尽无遗但你得到的结果)是底角的x值=外部矩形宽度的一半。 enter image description here

答案 4 :(得分:5)

@Andri对于我测试width > height的图片无法正常工作。 所以,我通过这种方式修改和优化了他的代码(只有两个三角函数):

calculateLargestRect = function(angle, origWidth, origHeight) {
    var w0, h0;
    if (origWidth <= origHeight) {
        w0 = origWidth;
        h0 = origHeight;
    else {
        w0 = origHeight;
        h0 = origWidth;
    // Angle normalization in range [-PI..PI)
    var ang = angle - Math.floor((angle + Math.PI) / (2*Math.PI)) * 2*Math.PI; 
    ang = Math.abs(ang);      
    if (ang > Math.PI / 2)
        ang = Math.PI - ang;
    var sina = Math.sin(ang);
    var cosa = Math.cos(ang);
    var sinAcosA = sina * cosa;
    var w1 = w0 * cosa + h0 * sina;
    var h1 = w0 * sina + h0 * cosa;
    var c = h0 * sinAcosA / (2 * h0 * sinAcosA + w0);
    var x = w1 * c;
    var y = h1 * c;
    var w, h;
    if (origWidth <= origHeight) {
        w = w1 - 2 * x;
        h = h1 - 2 * y;
    else {
        w = h1 - 2 * y;
        h = w1 - 2 * x;
    return {
        w: w,
        h: h



calculateLargestProportionalRect = function(angle, origWidth, origHeight) {
    var w0, h0;
    if (origWidth <= origHeight) {
        w0 = origWidth;
        h0 = origHeight;
    else {
        w0 = origHeight;
        h0 = origWidth;
    // Angle normalization in range [-PI..PI)
    var ang = angle - Math.floor((angle + Math.PI) / (2*Math.PI)) * 2*Math.PI; 
    ang = Math.abs(ang);      
    if (ang > Math.PI / 2)
        ang = Math.PI - ang;
    var c = w0 / (h0 * Math.sin(ang) + w0 * Math.cos(ang));
    var w, h;
    if (origWidth <= origHeight) {
        w = w0 * c;
        h = h0 * c;
    else {
        w = h0 * c;
        h = w0 * c;
    return {
        w: w,
        h: h

答案 5 :(得分:3)

enter image description here


Step 1
//Before Rotation

int originalWidth = 640;
int originalHeight = 480;

Step 2
//After Rotation
int newWidth = 701;  //int newWidth = 654;  //int newWidth = 513;
int newHeight = 564; //int newHeight = 757; //int newHeight = 664;

Step 3
//Difference in height and width
int widthDiff ;
int heightDiff;
int ASPECT_RATIO = originalWidth/originalHeight; //Double check the Aspect Ratio

if (newHeight > newWidth) {

    int ratioDiff = newHeight - newWidth;
    if (newWidth < Constant.camWidth) {
        widthDiff = (int) Math.floor(newWidth / ASPECT_RATIO);
        heightDiff = (int) Math.floor((originalHeight - (newHeight - originalHeight)) / ASPECT_RATIO);
    else {
        widthDiff = (int) Math.floor((originalWidth - (newWidth - originalWidth) - ratioDiff) / ASPECT_RATIO);
        heightDiff = originalHeight - (newHeight - originalHeight);

} else {
    widthDiff = originalWidth - (originalWidth);
    heightDiff = originalHeight - (newHeight - originalHeight);

Step 4
int targetRectanleWidth = originalWidth - widthDiff;
int targetRectanleHeight = originalHeight - heightDiff;

Step 5
int centerPointX = newWidth/2;
int centerPointY = newHeight/2;

Step 6
int x1 = centerPointX - (targetRectanleWidth / 2); 
int y1 = centerPointY - (targetRectanleHeight / 2);
int x2 = centerPointX + (targetRectanleWidth / 2);
int y2 = centerPointY + (targetRectanleHeight / 2);

Step 7
x1 = (x1 < 0 ? 0 : x1);
y1 = (y1 < 0 ? 0 : y1);

答案 6 :(得分:2)



CropRotatedDimensionsForMaxArea[{w_, h_}, alpha_] := 
  {phi = Abs@Mod[alpha, Pi, -Pi/2]},
   w == h, {w,h} Csc[phi + Pi/4]/Sqrt[2],
   w > h, 
     If[ Cos[2 phi]^2 < 1 - (h/w)^2, 
       h/2 {Csc[phi], Sec[phi]}, 
       Sec[2 phi] {w Cos[phi] - h Sin[phi], h Cos[phi] - w Sin[phi]}],
   w < h, 
     If[ Cos[2 phi]^2 < 1 - (w/h)^2, 
       w/2 {Sec[phi], Csc[phi]}, 
       Sec[2 phi] {w Cos[phi] - h Sin[phi], h Cos[phi] - w Sin[phi]}]

答案 7 :(得分:2)



function [ CI, T ] = rotateAndCrop( I, ang )
%ROTATEANDCROP Rotate an image 'I' by 'ang' degrees, and crop its biggest
% inner rectangle.

[h,w,~] = size(I);
ang = deg2rad(ang);

% Affine rotation
R = [cos(ang) -sin(ang) 0; sin(ang) cos(ang) 0; 0 0 1];
T = affine2d(R);
B = imwarp(I,T);

% Largest rectangle
% solution from https://stackoverflow.com/a/16778797

wb = w >= h;
sl = w*wb + h*~wb;
ss = h*wb + w*~wb;

cosa = abs(cos(ang));
sina = abs(sin(ang));

if ss <= 2*sina*cosa*sl
    x = .5*min([w h]);
    wh = wb*[x/sina x/cosa] + ~wb*[x/cosa x/sina];
    cos2a = (cosa^2) - (sina^2);
    wh = [(w*cosa - h*sina)/cos2a (h*cosa - w*sina)/cos2a]; 

hw = flip(wh);

% Top-left corner
tl = round(max(size(B)/2 - hw/2,1));

% Bottom-right corner
br = tl + round(hw);

% Cropped image
CI = B(tl(1):br(1),tl(2):br(2),:);

答案 8 :(得分:0)

这只是 Jeffrey Sax's solution above 的一个示例,供我将来参考。




(我使用了身份 tan(t) + cot(t) = 2/sin(2t)