
时间:2017-10-25 15:41:40

标签: matlab matrix transformation


 export class HeroComponent implements OnInit {

  constructor(private sidenavService: SidenavService) {      

  ngOnInit() {


rows_new = ceil(rows_init_img * abs(cos(rads)) + cols_init_img * abs(sin(rads)));                      
cols_new = ceil(rows_init_img * abs(sin(rads)) + cols_init_img * abs(cos(rads)));



%% init values

%loading initial image
init_img = imread('name2.png');

% define rows/cols dimension of original image pixel matrix
[rows_init_img, cols_init_img,z]= size(init_img); 

% skew angle in radians
sk_angle = 50;
sk_rads = 2*pi*sk_angle/360;

% rotation angle in radians
angle = 20;
rads = 2*pi*angle/360;  

%% calculate size of final_image
orig_corners = [ 1, 1; 1, rows_init_img; 1, cols_init_img; rows_init_img, cols_init_img];
new_corners = uint8(zeros(size(orig_corners)));

for i = 1:size(orig_corners, 1)
    for j = 1:size(orig_corners, 2)
        % translate
        a = i - final_origin_x;
        b = j - final_origin_y;

        % rotate
        x = a * cos(rads) - b * sin(rads);
        y = a * sin(rads) + b * cos(rads);

        % skew along x axis (AFTER rotation)
        x = x + sk_rads * y;

        % translate
        x = x + init_origin_x;
        y = y + init_origin_y;

        % round to turn values to positive integers
        x = round(x);
        y = round(y);

        if (x >= 1 && y >= 1 && x <= size(orig_corners, 1) && y <= size(orig_corners, 2) ) 
          new_corners(i, j) = init_img(x, y);  

% calculating array dimesions such that rotated image gets fit in it exactly.
% rows_new = ceil(rows_init_img * abs(cos(rads)) + cols_init_img * abs(sin(rads)));                      
% cols_new = ceil(rows_init_img * abs(sin(rads)) + cols_init_img * abs(cos(rads)));  

% define an array with calculated dimensions and fill the array  with zeros ie.,black
% uint8 is important. without it will show noise WHY?
final_img = uint8(zeros([rows_new cols_new 3 ]));

%calculating center of original image
init_origin_x = ceil(rows_init_img/2);                                                            
init_origin_y = ceil(cols_init_img/2);

%calculating center of final image
final_origin_x = ceil( size(final_img, 1)/2 );
final_origin_y = ceil( size(final_img, 2)/2 );

%% main loop

% apply transformation to each pixel of the image
for i = 1:size(final_img ,1)
    for j = 1:size(final_img, 2)                                                       

        % translate
        a = i - final_origin_x;
        b = j - final_origin_y;

        % rotate
        x = a * cos(rads) - b * sin(rads);
        y = a * sin(rads) + b * cos(rads);

        % skew along x axis
        x = x + sk_rads * y;

        % translate
        x = x + init_origin_x;
        y = y + init_origin_y;

        % round to turn values to positive integers
        x = round(x);
        y = round(y);

        % make sure values exists (are part of the initial image) and copy
        % them in the final image matrix
        if (x >= 1 && y >= 1 && x <= size(init_img, 1) && y <= size(init_img, 2) ) 
          final_img(i, j, :) = init_img(x, y, :);  


%% display images

% original image
% figure('name','Original Image','numbertitle','off');
% imshow(init_img);

% result image
figure('name','Manipulated Image','numbertitle','off');

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